Thursday, July 12, 2012

Follow- The Truth

"Jesus said to him, 'I am... the truth...' " John 14:6 NIV

"You can't handle the truth!" That iconic line from "A Few Good Men" resounds through the house. You can't watch that movie with the volume turned down. And when that line is coming, you find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat- maybe you even say the line with Jack. I do- and then I chuckle.

The preceding story to that line is a twisted tale of deceit and governmental style cover-up. But looking at the words of Jesus, well now, that's a different story.

See, unlike Colonel Jessup, Jesus not only had nothing to hide, but He spoke blatantly about the Truth, over and over again. He didn't candy-coat the circumstances or try to hide what was coming. To put it another way, Jesus was not a "spoonful of sugar" kind of guy.

But the Truth Jeaus spoke of was more than information; more than a few sayings and how-to's to be memorized.

"I Am the Truth"

Let there be no mistake- the words of Jesus; the actions of Jesus; the promises of Jesus are Truth because they are part of Him. There is no truth apart from Him. Jesus isn't just one answer in a multiple-choice test- Jesus is the answer.

Following Jesus is the way of Truth. And when we walk in Truth, we just can't go wrong.

In the Potter's Hand,

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