Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Protecting The Promise

Genesis 15:1-21 (TNIV)

Most people familiar with this passage know that this is where God made the covenant with Abraham through which the promise of ultimate redemption would come; viz. the image of God walking through the blood as a picture of Jesus walking through death. In verse 11, we see Abram running off the "birds of prey." 

God had instructed him to prepare a sacrifice. Abram didn't know what God was going to do. He did not know that God was about to make a promise that would ultimately change the entire world. He only knew what God had already promised, and that he was not about to let ANYTHING take that away. He was going to obey!

Has God given you a promise? Has God asked something strange of you? Has He laid something on your heart that no one understands, not even your spouse? This verse is encouragement today; do not let anything take from you what God has given. Man doesn't have to understand, you only have to obey.

Father, thank You for Your promises and promptings. Help me today to be true to what You have given me, and let me not stray from the path You have laid before me. I trust You, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just followed map directions that prove the Relient K CD title "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right (But Three Do)". Strange...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good night, o day of care and stress. For all your trouble, my God gives rest.