Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Want To Know, Part 1

A person I follow on Twitter posted their reaction to a recent develpoement in the Presbyterian Church (USA) regarding the ordination of Gays and Lesbians ( Upon reading it I really ran the gamut of feelings and, being the first to post a comment, wrote this:

"While being gay is not what ultimately separates a person from God, as ordained clergy myself I firmly believe that the Word of God is clear about God’s feelings about living an actively homosexual lifestyle. What urges and feelings a person overcomes through the help of the Holy Spirit when they stand in the pulpit is vastly different from living a lifestyle contrary the the Bible and proclaiming the Truth of God’s Word. I honestly do not see how this is reconciled anywhere in the Bible. (Perhaps this is where denomination steps in- I am Southern Baptist, which carries its own stigma.)
The following statement is made in all humility and honesty: I would very seriously like to see some Biblical backing and gain some wisdom in this issue. Can anyone show me?"

After a few days and an email message, I returned and saw the unfolding, fairly standard debate. After reading through a few, I posted this:

"I found myself starting to look for scriptures to back up my position with the intention of fighting and debating, and then I stopped.

The truth is this: God is Love. God loved all of us broken, egotistical, self-centered humans so much that He left Glory, committed Himself into the hands of a child and a middle-aged man as a Baby. He lived, He taught, He loved, He died, He atoned, He forgives, He rose, He ascended, He is coming.

HE rules and HE reigns and I DO NOT!

I guess what a denomination does or does not condone is up to them and their interpretation of the Bible, which I still believe is the FINAL AUTHORITY. And truthfully, I believe that if a church or denomination is doing something you do not agree with, then prayerfully leave that place and go where the Spirit leads. That’s why I am affiliated with a Southern Baptist Church. Overall, I agree with what my church does and does not do, with an exception here and there. But I know this is where God wants me. So, here I am.

Ultimately, whatever condemnation or praise comes will come from God. HE ALONE has the last word. I just want to love others like Jesus did, and show the world that God truly is in love with them."

The question is this- how do YOU feel about it? I mean, really, what is your deep down, raw feeling about the change? How does it stack up to the Bible? What has God shown you in your journey with Him?

Really, I want to know.

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