Friday, September 10, 2010

God's Glory and the Burning of the Q'uran

I find myself wanting to write about this mess over the Q'uran burning pastor in north Florida and the media hype that has ensued.
So many times in the midst of life as usual one person is lifted to the forefront of media for something a little less than good. And I know that nowadays "good" is a relative term. But when the person or groups is someone about whom it could be said, "They know better," it's a little disheartening. And when the person is a "like-minded" individual, viz. a Christian, one can't help but feel at the least saddened, and more likely disgusted with the behavior.

The thought that anyone would take the name of Jesus Christ and couple it with anything as disgusting as burning what some believe to be a book of Holy Scripture is disturbing and blasphemous. There is nothing I have ever been taught or have read in the Bible that supports or encourages this action. I was reminded yesterday about the burning of Bibles overseas because of the Muslim leadership's unwillingness to let them into the country. To this I say, so what? I was reminded also of Hebrews 12 that takes away our "right" to retaliation as it says "you have not yet resisted to blood." This, coupled with Jesus' own words, "turn the other cheek," tells me there is NO justification for such an action by those who bear the name of Christ.

I am saddened that the most audible word that Christianity can say right now is coming from the mouth of one fringe pastor. It is disgusting to me that the name of Jesus is being dragged through the mud by one of His own. And I am sorry for the way everyone, EVERYONE is talking about my Brother. The witness that has been damaged may be immense.

But I just thought- how much greater glory to God can come from this? 1. From those of us who DO know better, we can love this Brother and his congregation, and in that love bring him back to Godly reason. 2. We can show an already watching world that we DON'T always eat our wounded, and throat God IS love. And 3. We as Christians can reach out to people who are seeking God, and show them the JESUS is the way to the Father, not lighter fluid and ignorance. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

1 comment:

  1. JW - thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I believe it's important for those God has called to shepherd God's people to speak and lead. Thank you for doing your part.
