Friday, June 29, 2012

Follow- The Way

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way...' " John 14:6 NIV

When we follow signs we get where we are going. Its a simple concept. Personally, I am not a fan of the GPS on the dashboard. I would rather have the directions and watch for the signs about which I was told- a street sign, a business, an oak tree, that cow in the pasture with the large brown spot, etc. (If you've ever lived in the country, you know what I mean.)

Jesus very simply said, "I am the way." Right before this, Jesus is letting His disciples know that He is going to return to heaven to get ready for them (and us) to be there with Him. He says, "You know the way to the place where I am going."

Thomas answers, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

This is what prompted Jesus' reply, "I am the way..." In effect, Jesus is saying, "I am the road- walk this way." or "I am the direction you should take- follow me." or "I am the manner in which you should walk- do what I do." Any of these is a good way to think of what Jesus said. 

The truth is, if I follow Jesus, I can't go the wrong way. If I walk the path He lays out, I won't get off at the wrong exit. If I do what He does, I'll never make a wrong turn. And the best way to see where and how Jesus moves is to get to know Him more. Grab your Bible and read about Jesus. A really cool tool is a Harmony of the Gospels. I found a couple of good ones for my personal study by searching Google. Click here to download a PDF you can put on your computer, iPod, or whatever. 

God, I thank You for Your Son and the way He shows how to get to you. Open my eyes to see more of Jesus. Give me the desire to read your Word and see who Jesus really is. Bless those who read this with the same desire, for Your Name's sake.

In the Potter's Hand,

Thursday, June 28, 2012


"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' " John 14:6 NIV

So many times we come to decisions and we don't know which way to turn. How can we know? What if we go the wrong way? How can I know that I'm right if everyone around me says I'm wrong?

Jesus was pretty specific about Who He was (is). And over the next few days we will look at John 14:6 and how we can apply to every decision in our lives.

For now, let's pray that God will open our eyes as we seek His Son.

In the Potter's Hand,

Friday, June 15, 2012

On the Road Again

Waking early is not the forte of my family. Truthfully, I don't get up as early as I used to. And yet, going to Centrifuge demands an extra early rising since we are traveling from the bottom end of Florida (no jokes, please) to North Carolina. A long trip that we make enjoyable by spending an extra night together at the beginning and end of the trip. It's always fun when 17 teenagers and 10 adults take over a hotel.

But we DO have a lot of fun. And camp is incredible, especially watching what God does in the lives of the youth. It really is something when the Holy Spirit moves in the life of someone for the first time, or when another gets a fresh dose and lights up like lightning.

So pray for us, if I can be so bold. Pray that we get out of the way long enough to let God do His thing. Pray for the kids and the counsellors. And we'll pray for you in return. Deal?


In the Potter's Hand,