Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Where Was I?

"For I was hungry, while you had all you needed. I was thirsty, but you drank bottled water. I was a stranger, and you wanted me deported. I needed clothes, but you needed more clothes. I was sick, and you pointed out the behaviors that led to my sickness. I was in prison, and you said I was getting what I deserved." (an indicting paraphrase of Matthew 25:42-43 from "The Hole In Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns.)

The point is this: how many times have I been less than worried about the sinner? We've all heard people say, "Love the sinner, hate the sin," but how many people really live that out?

How many of us, how often do I throw the "sinner" under the bus as I decry their sin?

God forgive me.

Monday, December 5, 2011

More Than Words

Everywhere I turn I see posts from people ranting about how un-politically correct it has become to say "Merry Christmas" and how we have to say "Happy Holiday(s)". The other day a friend of mine replied to one about the origin of the word "hliday" and how it was originally "holy day" and how it might actually be even more of a turn on those who would stay away from the name of Jesus. Truly, it is impossible to ignore the way the world turns away from the Name of Jesus and His title, "Christ."

As an aside, today I heard "Mary, Did You Know?" performed by secular country artists on a local secular radio station that is playing all Christmas songs for the duration of the month of December. How awesome is that?!?

So as I was saying, I have found many people quibbling over using Christmas as opposed to Holiday, and vice versa. But I have to wonder, to coin a phrase, what would Jesus do? Would Jesus fight over the words? Did Jesus worry about semantics? In Matthew 15:8, Jesus quoted Isaiah when He said, "'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."

See, I think Jesus was saying that it's not what we say that matters. If I walk into church drunk, pick up my guitar and say, "Merry Christmas" from the platform, and try to lead people to worship, what I SAY has just been negated by what I DID. If I pull out into traffic and get cut off and flip the idiot the bird and cuss in the presence of my family (or even if not in their presence) but make sure they don't say "Happy Holidays," my WORDS are drowned out by my ACTIONS.

My heart is what God is looking at. God is not as concerned with my words when my heart is not His. And if my words are mean, spiteful, or vengeful, isn't that an indication that there must be something between God and me?

This Christmas, let's look at the state of our hearts as we look toward the world and how we impact them. "Merry Christmas" from a cashier might be nice to hear, but a life that says "Jesus has changed me and I want to share it with you" goes far beyond what two little words could ever convey.

Have a wonderful Christmas Season

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Halloween Question

Upon receiving an email from a children's ministry site I use for our Kid's Ministry from time to time, I followed a link to a forum (posted over a couple of years) about Christians and Halloween. I was interested to see what others thought, since this can be a sore spot of controversy between Christ-followers. I decided to copy my post here, to offer my thoughts to a few and see if you had thoughts of your own. My post, as well as the others, can be found at http://ministry-to-children.com/open-forum-halloween-and-christians-2007/comment-page-3/#comment-38740.

Feel free to comment below.

"We have a Trunk or Treat at our church. We probably touch both ends of the spectrum, with those that don't touch Halloween with a 40 foot pole and those who have never thought twice about it. I am the Associate Pastor of our church. My personal feeling, as well as [some of] those in the top committees of our church, is that it's a great opportunity to be visible to our community.

In the Keys, there is one road that connects everything. We are off of the Northbound lane. Everyone who wants to go somewhere will eventually go by the church. We will have live music (our Praise Band), a fire pit for s'mores, corndogs and lots of goodies to hand out. We even had a lady last year who dressed up like a Bible character and told the children Bible stories. We make it like a small fair where families can get off the street and away from the haunted houses (lots of people do this to their homes here), and get a dose of pure Love with no strings attached.

It may not be for everyone, but I have seen God bless our people, as well as the families that stop and visit."

In the Potter's Hand,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New Song for Worship: O Great Love

So I heard this the other say for the first time and am impressed not only by the Spirit in the music but by the versatility and singability of the song. I am excited to teach this to our church.

You can download the chord chart (PDF) here:
O Great Love Chord Chart (Ab)

In the Potter's Hand,

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Love Of God- Trouble

I have long told my children to be careful when someone else gets into trouble not to be make fun of them or enjoy it when an enemy suffers. The second half of this verse says this, "You will be punished if you make fun of someone in trouble." I think that's good outside motivation to not make fun of someone having a hard time, especially if they have brought it upon themselves.

But I think God loves a deeper motivation for not being happy about others' troubles. That's why I teach my children and those to whom I minister about 1 Corinthians 13:6. "Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil." the Love which God gives us through the Holy Spirit would never be happy when another suffers; no matter whom, no matter why.

Lord, cause me today to Love like You. Lead me to someone who needs Your AGAPE Love shown in their life, and make me an effective witness of what You desire for them.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Want To Know, Part 1

A person I follow on Twitter posted their reaction to a recent develpoement in the Presbyterian Church (USA) regarding the ordination of Gays and Lesbians (http://pomomusings.com/2011/05/11/presbyterians-to-ordain-gays-lesbians/). Upon reading it I really ran the gamut of feelings and, being the first to post a comment, wrote this:

"While being gay is not what ultimately separates a person from God, as ordained clergy myself I firmly believe that the Word of God is clear about God’s feelings about living an actively homosexual lifestyle. What urges and feelings a person overcomes through the help of the Holy Spirit when they stand in the pulpit is vastly different from living a lifestyle contrary the the Bible and proclaiming the Truth of God’s Word. I honestly do not see how this is reconciled anywhere in the Bible. (Perhaps this is where denomination steps in- I am Southern Baptist, which carries its own stigma.)
The following statement is made in all humility and honesty: I would very seriously like to see some Biblical backing and gain some wisdom in this issue. Can anyone show me?"

After a few days and an email message, I returned and saw the unfolding, fairly standard debate. After reading through a few, I posted this:

"I found myself starting to look for scriptures to back up my position with the intention of fighting and debating, and then I stopped.

The truth is this: God is Love. God loved all of us broken, egotistical, self-centered humans so much that He left Glory, committed Himself into the hands of a child and a middle-aged man as a Baby. He lived, He taught, He loved, He died, He atoned, He forgives, He rose, He ascended, He is coming.

HE rules and HE reigns and I DO NOT!

I guess what a denomination does or does not condone is up to them and their interpretation of the Bible, which I still believe is the FINAL AUTHORITY. And truthfully, I believe that if a church or denomination is doing something you do not agree with, then prayerfully leave that place and go where the Spirit leads. That’s why I am affiliated with a Southern Baptist Church. Overall, I agree with what my church does and does not do, with an exception here and there. But I know this is where God wants me. So, here I am.

Ultimately, whatever condemnation or praise comes will come from God. HE ALONE has the last word. I just want to love others like Jesus did, and show the world that God truly is in love with them."

The question is this- how do YOU feel about it? I mean, really, what is your deep down, raw feeling about the change? How does it stack up to the Bible? What has God shown you in your journey with Him?

Really, I want to know.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Death of Osama bin Laden

So much news- so many opinions: TRUTH- he was created in the image of God, Jesus died for him, and he has stood before his Judge. Justice? Vengeance? To whom do these truly belong?

I just don't think Jesus would dance and sing "We Are The Champions" while Satan drags another soul to hell. I pray that God keeps us, our families, our troops safe; and may we remember that people are dying without Jesus even though Jesus died to be with them.

Where does that leave those who have chosen to identify their life by the name of Jesus Christ?

In the Potter's Hand,

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Worship Recap 20110403

(This blog entry is linked to the Sunday Setlist Carnival at http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-141/)

This Sunday was a special themed Sunday: Luau Sunday. The church was decked out á la an Hawaiian Luau. Sunday School was replaced with the feast. Likewise, our musical worship changed a little. Everyone was decked out in their Hawaiian best, complete with leis and Gardenias for the ladies.

We went with a more acoustic worship, including an acoustic bass and a ukulele. We have used a ukulele before with "Grace That Is Greater," á la Bart Millard; it has always been fun. But today was the first time I led out with the uke.

We had a BLAST! Clapping, praising, worshiping- it was amazing. God showed up and blessed us big.

Songs for Worship:
• I Saw The Light
• Victory In Jesus
• Grace That Is Greater
• Amazing Grace

I pray you all had an amazing meeting with God today, too.

In the Potter's Hand,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Protecting The Promise

Genesis 15:1-21 (TNIV)

Most people familiar with this passage know that this is where God made the covenant with Abraham through which the promise of ultimate redemption would come; viz. the image of God walking through the blood as a picture of Jesus walking through death. In verse 11, we see Abram running off the "birds of prey." 

God had instructed him to prepare a sacrifice. Abram didn't know what God was going to do. He did not know that God was about to make a promise that would ultimately change the entire world. He only knew what God had already promised, and that he was not about to let ANYTHING take that away. He was going to obey!

Has God given you a promise? Has God asked something strange of you? Has He laid something on your heart that no one understands, not even your spouse? This verse is encouragement today; do not let anything take from you what God has given. Man doesn't have to understand, you only have to obey.

Father, thank You for Your promises and promptings. Help me today to be true to what You have given me, and let me not stray from the path You have laid before me. I trust You, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just followed map directions that prove the Relient K CD title "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right (But Three Do)". Strange...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good night, o day of care and stress. For all your trouble, my God gives rest.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Email Change

Just a note to let you know that my email address is changing from jonwesleybarnhill@gmail.com to the much simpler jonwesley@live.com. I know this probably comes as a shock to those of you who know what a Google-file I am. I will be receiving email from jonwesleybarnhill@gmail.com for the next few days before closing it down completely.
Please make the change in your address book to jonwesley@live.com. (Unless you don't want to email me, in which case I guess you can do whatever you want with it.)
Thanks fro your attention to this matter. Hope to talk to you soon.

In the Potter's Hand,
JonWesley Barnhill, Associate Pastor/Minister of Music
First Baptist Church of Key Largo
99001 OVS HWY, Key Largo, FL  33037