Saturday, November 13, 2021

Love Never Melts

 Out shopping today I saw a small farm-styled block snowman with the caption on the bottom, “Love Never Melts.”

I thought it was cute and smiled as I walked on, but it immediately brought 1 Corinthians 13 to my mind. 


1 What if I could speak

all languages of humans

and even of angels?

If I did not love others,

I would be nothing more

than a noisy gong

or a clanging cymbal.

2 What if I could prophesy

and understand all mysteries

and all knowledge?

And what if I had faith

that moved mountains?

I would be nothing,

unless I loved others.

3 What if I gave away all

that I owned

and let myself

be burned alive?+

I would gain nothing,

unless I loved others.

4 Love is patient and kind,

never jealous, boastful,

proud, or 5 rude.

Love isn't selfish

or quick tempered.

It doesn't keep a record

of wrongs that others do.

6 Love rejoices in the truth,

but not in evil.

7 Love is always supportive,

loyal, hopeful,

and trusting.

8 Love never fails!

Everyone who prophesies

will stop,

and unknown languages

will no longer

be spoken.

All that we know

will be forgotten.

9 We don't know everything,

and our prophecies

are not complete.

10 But what is perfect

will someday appear,

and what isn't perfect

will then disappear.

11 When we were children,

we thought and reasoned

as children do.

But when we grew up,

we quit our childish ways.

12 Now all we can see of God

is like a cloudy picture

in a mirror.

Later we will see him

face to face.

We don't know everything,

but then we will,

just as God completely

understands us.

13 For now there are faith,

hope, and love.

But of these three,

the greatest is love.

Obviously “love never melts” is not written in this or any other version or translation of the Bible. But the idea is thought-provoking. Let’s chase this rabbit together, shall we?

When a relationship heats up in anger or hurt, and one says something to another that raises temperatures to the boiling point, Love never melts.

When a loved one has a secret issue or a hidden problem that has been exposed to the blaring light of Truth, Love never melts. 

When a storm blows in and the rain of doubt threatens to dissolve the foundation of a marriage, Love never melts.

There are so many analogies that come to mind and I could go on and on, but I think I’ve explained my point. 

But one thing bears a little explanation: the love of which I speak is not a human love. Human love, based on experience and feelings and emotions is fickle, finicky, and downright unreliable. 

The Love of God is True and Noble and Perfect. It is based outside of one’s own emotions, standards, or biases. It is this love, known as Agape, that never fails, forgets, holds a grudge, and yes, never melts. 

And it is THIS Love that the world so desperately needs right now. God’s Love is more than understanding or condoning. It is not just accepting the differences between people and moving on. It is not proclaiming that this is right and that is wrong. 

It is simply (seriously) moving and speaking and touching and doing everything with the understanding that God is God. It is shouting with every ounce of being that nothing is more or less than any other. 

Simply put, it is declaring, “I will move with and in and through the Love of God.”

And that Love, my Friends, will never melt! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Into The Light

I needed to get something from downstairs, but all the lights in the house were off. Actually, I had just come from downstairs and had locked up for the night. So I turned on the light at the landing at the top of the stairs, knowing I could get to the room I needed easily enough before turning on another light.

But at the bottom of the steps, the darkness was deep; so deep it kind of hurt. Do you know what I mean? Like the darkness overtakes your eyes, and you try to look away but looking makes it feel even darker. The light was to my back and above, so the landing was well illuminated, but that was about it. I knew right where the door was, and slowing so as not to walk on any cats, I opened the door, turned on the light, and got what I needed. Then it was back upstairs, but now the light was in front of and above me. Much better for seeing. 

It occurred to me that walking from light into darkness made it very hard to see what was in front of me. But walking from the darkness toward the light, I could see all around me clearly. I think its similar to the way things are when we come to Christ. 

We once lived in darkness, surrounded by the unknown. In the darkness even the most benign and mundane things are a mystery and so we may become skeptical and maybe even a little scared. But turning, putting the Light in front of us, even making it our goal to enter that Light, suddenly everything looks different- we can see around us. No snares or slips; nothing to fall over unexpectedly. Only safety within the parameters of the Light.

Jesus, thank You for shedding the Light of Your Truth all around me. I am grateful for what You have done in my life. Give me the ability and opportunity to share Your Light with someone today. Be magnified in my life today, and glorified forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, January 11, 2013

All Things?

Reading today in “Radical” by David Platt, this struck me hard enough to stop me in my tracks.

“When I was becoming the pastor of the faith community I now lead, I thought and even said to other people, “This church has so many resources- so many gifts, so many talents, so many leaders, so much money. If this church could get behind a global purpose, it could shake nations for the glory of God.
“I have since discovered that his is a woefully wrongheaded way to think. The reality is that it doesn’t matter how many resources the church has. The church I lead could have all the man-made resources that one could imagine, but apart from the power of the Holy Spirit, such a church will do nothing of significance for the glory of God.”
At once, this verse popped into my head:
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
How many times have I heard that verse used in and out of church? And yet, in light of the previous reading, it gives me pause as to how I have used it for my own purposes without even realizing. 

Looking at this verse in context, I see Paul here speaking in a specific way. He has just finished telling the church at Philippi to rejoice, be reasonable toward one another and the world, and not to be anxious. Then in verses 10-13 he writes, 
“I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have leaned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”
Here’s the equation as I see it:
My circumstance < Christ’s strength in me
Christ’s strength + Me > Any circumstance I face
The secret = Christ’s strength in me

I realize that my way of thinking about Jesus and God and what has been done on my behalf through the Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension, and impending Return of Christ has been more selfish than even I realized. Jesus Christ does not give me the strength to accomplish that to which I put my talents and abilities.  Truly, what power do I possess that could benefit God one bit? But whatever God asks me to endure, I will endure. Whatever God asks me to do, I will do. Whatever God asks me to give, I will give. And all that I accomplish through the strength Jesus gives will bring immensely greater glory to God than anything I will ever do otherwise. 

A closing thought, in John 15:5 Jesus said, “…apart from me you can do nothing.”

Father, forgive me for all the times I thought I was doing You a favor. I am sorry for doing things in my own “power.” Show me today, Lord, Your power in my life, and allow me only to do that to which You call me. Keep me safe from myself, and I will be only and ever for Your glory. Amen

All scripture from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ®, (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pushr Sep 03, 2012 12:21

Overheard at lunch- "I wish buildings were made of cheeseburgers!" Amen. Amen. At Five Guys Burgers & Fries in Key West, Florida

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pushr Aug 26, 2012 09:52

The storm may loom, and while no man can forecast what happens next, we know that "the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine." (Psalm 32:18-19 NIV)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pushr Aug 23, 2012 09:07

"[God] is not holy because he keeps the rules. He wrote the rules! God is not holy because he keeps the law. The law is holy because it reveals God. God is absolute. Everything else is derivative." (from Desiring God,

Monday, August 20, 2012